College Type: ESFP

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“Don’t Worry Be Happy!!”

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"The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results."

        --Tony Robbins, ESFP

  1. College Type: Orange

  2. Percent of SAS students: 6.2%

  3. Percent of the USA: 4 to 9 %

  4. Males: 3 to 7%

  5. Females: 7 to 10%

  6. Percent of Asians: 1.8%

College Search by Personality type: ESFP

•Likes looking at information in terms of facts and details

You should be able to provide a list of plus and minuses for each college on their list;

•Rankings will not impress you as much as the factors considered;

•Likes to look at outcomes;

•Likes to look at Thru-puts (How the college works);

•Opinions of friends, parents and counselors will not hold as strong a sway unless presented objectively.;

•The physical environment of the college will be very important;

Tend to be black and white. This will be a good or bad college…rarely in between.

You will be organized and practical in your college search, carefully laying out a plan of attack and analyzing the facts of each college. When exploring college options, an ESFP will often:

•Benefit from creating a plan to meet their goals

•Use informational interviews to improve their understanding of a college—be sure to meet with the college reps and talk to SAS alumni at the college. 

•Subjectively base their decision on what they value and should also include a logical assessment of their options—be sure to check Naviance scattergrams;

•Benefit from setting a decision deadline—you tend to talk and explore more than average

Thrives in a fun, friendly, environment where they can be their enthusiastic, warm, cohesive effusive selves.

Harmony doesn’t just happen, it happens by design:

  1.     Check out the  Colleges with the Happiest and Friendliest students

  2. Harmony means connecting with People, and in particular accessible Professors.

  3. Consider a college with a learning community, a specialized freshman program or Residential Colleges

  4. Consider any colleges that has a strong sense of community such as Women’s Colleges and Residential Colleges

  5. Check out percentage of small classes at College Data, an amazing resource.

•Takes a realistic approach


  1. Likes a well laid out college search strategy.

  2. Will want specific plan for college visits

ESFPs are at their best when they have the freedom to operate in the present and jump in and take charge. ESFP is action-oriented

•You will prefer colleges that give you a chance to do. Consider colleges that :

•Offer  Problem Based Learning.

  1. Provide opportunities for  undergraduate research

  2. Focus on Coop or Internships or require a Capstone

What makes you tick

What this means for your college search

•Focuses more on the here and now rather than possibilities for the future

What makes you tick

What to look for in a college

You may well prefer conventional brand name colleges, and think you have to have your plan all set. Trust the process. Ask your counselor to present some alternatives that may well appeal to your learning needs. You may want to consider any of the following:
•	Campus Values (this may include faith based options)—see colleges that build character
•	Colleges that are well organized in developing the student, emphasizing teaching, student character and engagement. Check out Colleges of distinction. 
•	Even if you are not catholic, you may love a Jesuit education. 
•	As you may well prefer a more traditional education, check out the colleges with a Phi Beta Kappa chapter. You may also like more conservative colleges or liberal art colleges that are traditional colleges. 
•	You may want to join ROTC or Greek Life—where students join Fraternities and Sororities
Strong campus traditions

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•Feels comfortable in areas of proven experience

You may be well drawn to traditional majors like Business (especially accounting, finance, management), law, medicine etc. 

Likes to look at outcomes;