Colleges with strong Coop Porgrams will be particularly appealing to ENFJ
Going to college is not usually an end in and of itself. You are on a journey somewhere. Students who rely on rankings discover they are often shortchanged because most rankings do not actually cover what students do after they graduate. Here are some GREAT recourses to look at life after college
Co-op programs vary widely in implementation.
★Colleges producing the highest percentage of PhD’s
★What are the feeder colleges for the best Law, MBA and Med schools?
★Return on investment serves to answer if a degree pays for itself. The colleges with the best ROI tend to have very strong engineering programs but you can explore by majors or by college type.
★If you are considering a career in business check out Businessweek’s rankings, specifically a clicking on individual universities and checking the section on careers.
★ Check out Princeton Review’s lis of Colleges with the Best Career Services
★Got a specific profession in mind? Read the Wall Street Journal’s Pathway to the Professions report.
There are clear links between Coop and Internships and successful outcomes.
One of the best tools to explore outcomes is actually the university itself through their Career Services. Unfortunately, prospective students rarely ask for the information. You can google “college name” + “career services” or Click on UCAN, which makes finding the career services at 630 colleges so much easier to find. Each profile is laid out in the same fashion and includes some buttons for outcomes:
Looking at the United Kingdom? Look no further than Unistats
For Canadian Universities, check out the Globe and Mail Campus report card. Students rate their universities on many dimensions, but the key ones for outcomes include:
✴Relevance and Acquisition of Knowledge and Skills Needed for Future Career
✴Reputation of the University Among Employers
✴Co-op / Internship Opportunities
✴Career and Employment Services
The Globe and Mail also tabulates some interesting results from the National Survey of Student Engagement:
Active and Collaborative Learning
Enriching Educational Experience
Level of Academic Challenge
Student-Faculty Interaction
Supportive Campus Environment
Coop: A look inside
Articles on Coop program in Canada:
with strong coop programs
Florida Institute of Technology
Stevens Institute of Technology
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Coop Programs
According to CAFCE, 55 universities, 26 colleges and three institutes offer some 1,100 co-op programs.
British Columbia Institute of Technology
Cleveland State University, Fenn College
École de technologie supérieure
Kiewit (Peter Kiewit Infrastructure Co. /Construction Kiewit Cie /Ganotec Inc )
Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Mount Saint Vincent University
New Brunswick Community College (NBCC)
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT)
Public Service Commission of Canada
St. Francis Xavier University, Gerald Schwartz School
University of British Columbia
University of New Brunswick Saint John
University of Northern British Columbia
University of Prince Edward Island
University of the Fraser Valley
University of Toronto Scarborough
York University Lassonde School of Engineering
The Value of Coop in Canada article
...and then what happened?