
Colleges with strong internship program will be particularly appealing to  ENFJ

Most colleges have very functional career service offices that will help you find a part time job, an internship and a career job when it is all done. If you are smart (and I am sure you are), strategically picking your internships can make a world of difference. 

CollegeExpress: Making a difference college
Parade Magazine: 22 Colleges with great internships
Huffington Post: Research Universities with the highest internship rates

According to AACU, Service Learning is a high impact practice for colleges:
Internships are another increasingly common form of experiential learning. The idea is to provide students with direct experience in a work setting—usually related to their career interests—and to give them the benefit of supervision and coaching from professionals in the field. If the internship is taken for course credit, students complete a project or paper that is approved by a faculty member.
What does the research say?
“Do it!” Researchers in the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA found students who participated in service learning demonstrated greater engagement in the classroom, an increased sense of personal identity, and a heightened awareness of the world around them. The data identified a positive impact on interpersonal skills (working with others, leadership, and communication), spiritual growth, and moral development.
Analysts at Vanderbilt University reviewed service learning research, finding both students and faculty members reported positive learning effects, such as strengthened critical thinking and problem analysis abilities. This is because service learning participation increases how often students discuss their experiences, intensifies how they learn from one another, and amplifies the emotional and analytical support from faculty members.
More Info

Statistics reveal the value of internships

Do Unpaid internships lead to jobs?


With especially strong internship programs.

Bennington College(VT)


College of the Atlantic(ME)


Delaware Valley College (PA)


Holy Cross College(IN)


Lasell College (MA)


Massachusetts Maritime Academy


Wagner College (NY)


William Peace University (NC)


Burlington College(VT)


American University(DC)


Bentley University(MA)


Husson University(ME)


Taylor University (IN)


    Source: USNEWS

More great internship programs.

Belmont University 

    Nashville, TN

Berea College 

    Berea, KY

Butler University 

    Indianapolis, IN

Cornell University 

    Ithaca, NY

Drexel University 

    Philadelphia, PA

Elon University 

    Elon, NC

Georgia Institute of Technology 

    Atlanta, GA

Northeastern University 

    Boston, MA

Purdue University— West Lafayette 

    West Lafayette, IN

Rochester Institute of Technology 

    Rochester, NY

University of Cincinnati 

    Cincinnati, OH

University of Southern California 

    Los Angeles, CA

Wagner College 

    Staten Island, NY


Working to learn