College Type: ENTP

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“The possibilities are endless.”

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"I suppose my formula might be: dream, diversify and never miss an angle." Walt Disney, ENTP

  1. College Type: Green

  2. Percent of SAS students: 5.4%

  3. Percent of the USA: 2 to 5 %

  4. Males: 3 to 7%

  5. Females: 2 to 4 %

  6. Percent of Asians: 4.4 %

College Search by Personality type: ENTP

•Frustrate parents by exploring too many colleges, keeping their ideas at a theoretical level

•Work with your counselor to develop a plan and narrow your choices

You will be energized and excited by your college search, reaching out to people in your life to understand the different possibilities of each college.  When exploring career options, an ENTP will often...

•Set many long-term ideals and benefit from creating a plan to meet these goals:

•Gather information through your interaction with others such as college reps and counselors;

•Objectively examine the long-term implication of their choice

  1. Logically evaluate your College options but should also consider their values—You will probably focus on Naviance Scattergrams, but be sure to talk with your counselor about what’s important to you. 

  2. Struggle with making a decision and benefit from setting a deadline

•Likes looking at information from a global viewpoint, spotting patterns and relationships, that lead to an understanding of the key issues

They love the feed and energy of the new, the different and when it becomes tedious they will look for the next interesting project.

Sharing your research results with friends and your counselor can help motivate you.

Loves possibilities and exploring; hates deciding. Tends to procrastinate .

  1. Setting regular meetings with your counselor to review your specific progress every two or three weeks.

•Enjoys change, challenge, and variety

  1. Colleges offer many different time tables and curricula; you like change and may thrive at a college that allows more change of classes through innovative calendar systems like quarter systems and block schedules.

  1. Colleges with innovative learning environments

  2. You may well enjoy the challenge of creating your own major--—over 1100 colleges let you do this now.

Be more interested in exploring ideas than bringing them to closure

Set up your own deadlines with your counselor to keep you on track.

What makes you tick

What this means for your college search

•Focuses more on possibilities for the future than the here-and-now

What makes you tick

What to look for in a college

•Check out College Outcomes on their Career section of their websites or click on UCANN.

Examine college outcomes such as WSJ Top 50 feeder schools

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