Going Greek
Colleges with a greek system may be particularly appealing to ENFJ
Another unique aspect of US higher education is the roll that student groups play on campus life. None cause more impact or controversy than the Greek system known as Fraternities (for males) and Sororities (For females)
Wikipedia reports that “The North American fraternity and sorority system began with students who wanted to meet secretly, usually for discussions and debates not thought appropriate by the faculty of their schools. Today they are used as social, professional, and honorary groups that promote varied combinations of drinking, community service, hazing, leadership, and academic achievement.”
Wikipedia article on the Greek System.
with high percentage of students joining Fraternities or Sororities
Albion College (Albion, MI): 44%
Bucknell University (Lewisburg, PA): 39%/43%
Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, OH): 29%
Centre College (Danville, KY): 34%/38%
Chapman University (Orange, CA): 26%
Colgate University (Hamilton, NY): 29%
Cornell University (Ithaca, NY): 32%
Dartmouth College (Hanover, NH): 38%/64%
Davidson College (Davidson, NC): 40%/45%
DePauw University (Greencastle, IN): 65%/75%
Duke University (Durham, NC): 27%/42%
Elon University (Elon, NC): 38%
Emory University (Atlanta, GA): 27%
Franklin & Marshall College (Lancaster, PA): 30%
Furman University (Greenville, SC): 43%/51%
Gettysburg College (Gettysburg, PA): 40%
Hamilton College (Clinton, NY): 29%
Kenyon College (Gambier, OH): 27%
Lafayette College (Easton, PA): 26%/39%
Lehigh University (Bethlehem, PA): 35%/44%
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA): 55%
Northwestern University (Evanston, IL): 32%/38%
Ohio Wesleyan University (Delaware, OH): 36%
Rhodes College (Memphis, TN): 48%/54%
Rollins College (Winter Park, FL): 35%
Sewanee: The University of the South (Sewanee, TN): 71%
Southern Methodist University (Dallas, TX): 47%
Texas Christian University (Fort Worth, TX): 37%/51%
Tulane University (New Orleans, LA): 26%/40%
University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA): 30%
University of Richmond (University of Richmond, VA): 31%
University of Virginia (Charlottesville, VA): 30%
Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN): 34%
Villanova University (Villanova, PA): 39%
Wake Forest University (Winston Salem, NC): 34%/52%
Washington & Jefferson College (Washington, PA): 32%/43%
Washington and Lee University (Lexington, VA): 82%/83%
Whitman College (Walla Walla, WA): 34%/37%
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Worcester, MA): 29%/41%
Sources by CollegeExpres:
Brotherhood and Sisterhood